Basic Math |
Required Legal Stuff: The links below and the adds on those pages are not under the control of myself, or our web host Teacher By Moonlight. They are offered as an educational courtesy, and we assume no responsiblity for them. The WEB is a live and constantly changing enviroment! So if you find a video link that does not work, has changed, wants a credit card number, or is inappropiate please inform me. My Professor PI and Many of the videos I have chosen are top quality in both knowledge and entertainment by people I know and a few that I was honored to teach..My videos starring Professor PI aand Cowboy Rufus are marked PRVIDEO. R. Clark |
adding and subtracting fractions |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics video
adding mixed numbers |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
multiplying fractions |
Math with Mr. J videoMath Antics video |
dividing fractions |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
Reducing or Simplifying fractions |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
decimals to fractions |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
fractions to percent |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
percent to fractions |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
decimals to percent |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
adding positive and negative numbers |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
multiplying positive and negative numbers |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
fractions to decimals |
Math with Mr. J VideoMath Antics Video |
Key words in word problems |